Courses agenda

On this page, you will find the themes covered during the various courses offered by the Paragliding School of Les Arcs


For each course (beginner, improvement, progression, wind play, and cross) here is the content of the training, ground exercises, flight exercises, and the associated theoretical part.


Beginner Course:


Ground skills:

No prerequisites. Objective: first high flights safely. No license but issuance of a free flight passport certifying the level achieved at the end of the course.


  • Spread, untangle, and fold
  • Manage the impulse
  • Make a stall
  • Fold
  • Manage centering
  • Manage reception (timing)
  • Do guided walking
  • Collapse the wing
  • Do an acceleration to slide
  • Take off with the wing behind
  • Pre-inflate facing the wing


Flight skills:

No prerequisites. Objective first high flights safely.


  • Release control
  • Witness handle
  • Control turns
  • Harness turns
  • Autonomous heading management
  • Rear turns
  • Fly at different flight regimes
  • Autonomous search for altitude loss
  • Round out autonomously


Theoretical knowledge:


No prerequisites. Objective first high flights safely. No license.


  • Differentiate wind and breeze
  • The 3 phases of take-off
  • The flight regimes
  • The final approach
  • Harness setup
  • Simple flight plan
  • Radio failure
  • Use of the reserve parachute
  • Air / ground trajectories (speed and glide, drift angles)
  • The 3 axes




Improvement Course:


Ground skills:


Prerequisite having completed a beginner course. Objective: to develop autonomy on take-off phases.


  • Gymkhana with the wing behind
  • Adapt reception (timing)
  • Manage acceleration to slide
  • Take off with the wing behind autonomously
  • Low speeds and high speeds on the flat
  • Low speeds and high speeds on the slope
  • Reach the folding area by inflating
  • Vary the take-off profiles
  • Back inflation in the wind (15km/h)
  • Stabilize the wing in front facing with the brake lines
  • Brake line or rear collapse in the wind (15km/h)


This should give you a clear and comprehensive guide to the courses offered, tailored for English-speaking participants.

Aptitudes en vol :


Prerequisite: having completed a beginner course. The objective is to learn how to descend, manage the roll axis, and develop autonomy in landing. An initial license may be considered at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • Autonomous drift management
  • Autonomous BOX management
  • Simulating a small closure with one ear
  • Heading management with one ear
  • Turning while simulating a cravat with one ear
  • Ear steering turns
  • Piloting the final approach
  • Roll management by natural damping
  • Roll management against harness
  • Using the speed bar
  • Rapid descent with accelerated ears
  • Autonomous approach


Theoretical knowledge:


Prerequisite: having attended the theoretical courses of a beginner stage. The objective is to integrate the different elements necessary to start the activity safely. An initial license may be considered at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • Flight regimes speed and associated glide
  • Mental: stress management and knowing when to give up
  • Simple flight plan, radio failure, emergency procedures
  • Regulations, priorities, legal obligations, visual flight rules…
  • Aerological traps
  • Safety box
  • Spiral stability and centrifugal force
  • Clouds
  • Weather briefing for flying in calm conditions
  • Flight mechanics (why it flies, FA, angles)
  • Cockpit setup



Progression Course:


Ground skills:


Prerequisite: having practiced the different skills of the improvement stage. The objective is autonomy in takeoff phases in light wind and working on takeoff techniques in the wind. An initial license may be considered at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient, validation of the progression on the FFVL free flight passport.


  • Managing low speeds and high speeds
  • Static back inflation (small movement, wind 15km/h)
  • Pre-inflating at takeoff
  • Collapsing brake line with eyes closed
  • Static face inflation with the brake lines
  • Pre-inflate and collapse with crossed controls
  • Inflation facing the wing with crossed controls
  • Turning to face the wing
  • Take off facing the wing


Flight skills:


Prerequisite: manage the wing on the roll axis and master rapid descents with ears. The objective is to master the pitch axis and learn the basic piloting skills necessary to safely approach thermal flying. An initial license may be considered at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • 360 flat turn by lifting the inside hand
  • Reverse of 360 / 180 flat turn by lifting the inside hand
  • Steering in a turn using reverse roll
  • Complete flight autonomously
  • 30m landing accuracy
  • Creating and maintaining pitch with the brakes
  • Timing the brakes to dampen a pitch movement
  • 360 flat turn following a pronounced pitch
  • Managing roll with ears
  • Managing pitch/roll in thermals with brakes
  • Autonomous thermal scouting flight plan
  • Turning in a thermal


Theoretical Knowledge:


Prerequisite: having integrated the various courses of the improvement stage. The objective is to learn the theoretical basics necessary for considering flight in thermal conditions. An initial certification may be conceivable at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • Pitch and energy
  • Active piloting
  • Managing closures
  • The föhn (the föhn effect, “föhn” in Tarentaise, weather briefing suspicion of föhn)
  • Dynamic updrafts (exploitation and risks)
  • The origins of thermals
  • Exploitation of thermals
  • Confluences
  • Priorities in thermal and dynamic flight
  • Regulations: airspaces



Wind Games Course:


Ground Skills:


Prerequisite: being an autonomous pilot in calm conditions capable of flying without supervision during takeoff and landing phases.


Wind Play: First Thermals:

Prerequisite: being autonomous in reverse launch in calm conditions (under 15 km/h). Objective: to develop autonomy in wind launch techniques.


  • Manage low and high speeds
  • Static reverse inflation (without moving, knee/sitting, wind 15-20km/h)
  • Turning to face the wing
  • Launching facing the wing autonomously
  • Maintaining the wing in the max traction window
  • Collapsing in strong wind
  • Inflating in strong wind
  • Descending the wind while inflating
  • Managing the wing at the edge of the window


Wind Play: Thermal Progression:

Having worked on the various skills from the wind play first thermals stage. Objective: autonomy in launching in all conditions. The pilot’s license is conceivable at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • Ground stall work
  • Ground pitch management
  • Reverse inflation
  • Turning the wing on the ground (½ turn)
  • Gymkhana facing the wing
  • Cobra inflation
  • Launching in cobra
  • Managing the wing after a strong wind landing


Flight Skills:


Wind Play: First Thermals:

To be autonomous in approach on known terrain in calm conditions and master rapid descent with big ears. The goal is to master the basics of piloting necessary to evolve in thermal conditions safely.


  • Roll management
  • Management of pronounced pitching
  • Execution of a thermal scouting flight plan autonomously
  • Management of pitching in thermal with rear risers
  • 360 flat turn following pronounced pitching
  • Turning in a thermal
  • Management of pitching with rear risers
  • Navigating terrain with controls
  • Navigating terrain with rear risers
  • Flying in dynamic lift
  • 15m landing accuracy
  • Scouting and circling a thermal



Wind Plays: Thermal Progression:

Prerequisite: having experience in thermal or dynamic flight. Objective: to manage one’s wing in all types of conditions. The pilot’s license is conceivable at the end of the course if the level achieved is sufficient.


  • Heading management after a 2-line closure
  • Building an approach in strong wind
  • Improvising an approach on unknown terrain
  • Reaching a ceiling
  • 5m landing accuracy
  • Performing a speed build-up in rounding
  • Managing exit from accelerating rotations (90° and 180°)
  • 360 at 45° dissipating
  • 360 at 45° with outer ear
  • Dynamic turn speed buildup in pitching
  • Dynamic turn on a roll reversal
  • Sequence of wings with low amplitude



Theoretical Knowledge:

Wind Play: First Thermals


  • Aerological traps
  • Cockpit setup
  • Active piloting
  • Closure management
  • Thermals
  • Exploitation of thermals
  • Priorities: in thermal/dynamic
  • Stability / instability of an air mass
  • Confluences
  • Dynamic lift
  • Thermal flying weather briefing



Wind Play: Thermal Progression:

Prerequisite: knowing the various theoretical courses of the wind play first thermals stage. Objective: to learn the necessary elements for passing the pilot’s license and the basics of cross-country flying. The pilot’s license is conceivable if the achieved level is sufficient.



  • Mental: rational/irrational fears and the notion of commitment
  • Emergency parachute folding
  • Building a thermal flight plan
  • The föhn in Tarentaise
  • Angle of attack and the influence of gusts
  • Regulation: aeronautical charts
  • Polar curve of speeds
  • Stalling
  • Alpine dumping
  • Navigating terrain
  • Landing out (se vacher)